
Pittrice, Scultrice
Anno di nascita


Vive a



My name is Katarzyna Bame am Franco-Polish. was bom in Poland in Bialystok, a city in the North-East of the country. From early on, enjoyed drawing and often did art growing up. So much so that a geography teacher encouraged me to study formally and make art my profession Sol listened and, for six years, attended the ‘Artura Grottger, the Academy of Fine Arts in Supras! Upon graduation, left Poland, wanting to discover the world and headed for France. There, pursued my artistic life and continued to paint. I had the opportunity to exhibit my work for the first time in Paris at “Mazurka, then a second time at the same restaurant with some success.

A few years passed, and moved to Chamonix Mont Blanc in the French Alps. The stunning landscape was a revelation and the source of great artistic inspiration. After thirteen years, out of practice working on wood, I picked up the gouges again. began to create objects, and fumiture carved out of wood while continuing to paint. Since have met with photographers, carpenters, graphic designers, and wrought iron artists, these collaborations have enriched my work and inspired my creations. As a result, continuously leam and grow as my work evolves and expands. All the while, fve had the great pleasure of teaching painting and drawing to children in my community.

In July 2021, was invited to a solo exhibition of my work at the restaurant “L’impossible in Chamonix Mont Blanc

As my creative projects advanced, other goals close to my heart took shape: Thus, I was delighted to participate in the great “Rags in the Wind of Peace’ a World Peace event held in Cardito, Italy. Of course, this topic moved me enormously, and feel was able to touch hearts I want to thank the incredible artist Enzo Marino, who organized this event for everyone’s joy. am grateful for the diploma received and for being given a chance to participate in this fantastic event and beautiful exhibition

In June 2022,1 had the opportunity to participate in the international Contemporary Art Fair in Lyon. It was an unforgettable experience, and hope to retum. Following this fair, the “Galeria Gaudi” in Madrid invited me to exhibit at several fairs Finally, I settled on the Paris Intercontinental Contemporary Art Fair. That was a lot of fun, and working with. Galeria Gaudi was truly enjoyable Since then, the AccorsiArte Gallery in Venice has selected my work for an exhibition at the end of October 2022

Next year, in June 2023, I will have the opportunity to exhibit my work in St Jean-Cap Ferrat for the collective CAP des ARTS Côte d’Azur And later, will retum to the Mazurka Restaurant in Paris, where first showed my artistic creations, now for a timely retrospective of my work.

Le opere di Kasia

Sei un artista?

Scegli Accorsi Arte per esporre le tue opere


Via Fratelli Calandra 9, Torino
Da  Mercoledì a Sabato
15:00 – 19:00

Orari Estivi:
Da Mercoledì a Venerdì dalle 16:00 alle 19:30
La Galleria resterà chiusa dal 12 al 18 Agosto

Castello, Calle dei Forni 2265 Venezia

+39 342 092 9640

Accorsi Arte © 2022 | TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI | P.IVA 97777620010